Bruce Tait
Founding Partner
Bruce is responsible for developing Tait Subler’s intellectual capital and for overseeing the development of strategic ideas for our clients. Britain’s respected AdMap Magazine recognized him as one of 40 global “marketing gurus.” He’s been quoted as a brand expert in TIME Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, and American Demographics. His thinking also appears in the book The Art of Building Brands and several articles published in The Journal of Brand Strategy.
After graduating from the Ivey School of Business in 1985, Bruce started his career as an account planner in Canada and became the first planning director at BBDO in North America. As a planning director at Fallon McElligott, Bruce’s team led the strategic thinking on the highly awarded BMW, FORTUNE Magazine, Nuveen Investments and Lee Jeans accounts. In 2000, he and Dodie Subler started the company now called Tait Subler.
In his spare time, Bruce enjoys vigilantly pointing out the nationality of Canadian-born celebrities. He and his wife have two sons, two dogs and a lot of bicycles.