Comments for Tait Subler Strategy Innovation, Brand Strategy Consulting, Brand Positioning, Brand Portfolio Consulting Thu, 15 Jun 2023 20:56:28 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on How To Differentiate A Brand Part 4: Beware The Zajonc Effect by Sandy /2012/01/30/how-to-create-a-differentiated-brand-iv-beware-the-zajonc-effect/#comment-84 Sun, 14 Oct 2012 01:47:16 +0000 /?p=815#comment-84 Steve Jobs had said he didn’t ask people what they want, because they didn’t know — they hadn’t seen it yet. It hadn’t been invented. Jobs showed people what they want and need! Imagine if he had used market research.

Comment on How To Differentiate A Brand Part 3: Avoid The Category Tablestakes by Bruce Tait /2012/01/16/how-to-create-a-differentiated-brand-avoid-the-category-tablestakes/#comment-60 Tue, 17 Jan 2012 15:34:24 +0000 /?p=766#comment-60 Good point Valerie. I’m going to talk about innovative targeting as a way to find new, fertile ground for brand strategy in an upcoming post. Thanks for your feedback!


Comment on How To Differentiate A Brand Part 3: Avoid The Category Tablestakes by Valerie Esqueda /2012/01/16/how-to-create-a-differentiated-brand-avoid-the-category-tablestakes/#comment-59 Tue, 17 Jan 2012 03:59:19 +0000 /?p=766#comment-59 I think if more brands applied context to define who their users were they would have have a better chance at developing strategies that differentiated. Sure trucks are tough and durable. They are supposed to be. But what happens when it in the context of the women are the ones that are driving them. Then they become trucks for tough durable women that don’t want to be treated like they don’t know what they are doing. Like me when I was hauling horses. (I had a Tacoma. Let’s talk about torque.)

Same goes for snow boards. Yeah on a good snowboard you catch air. Your supposed to. But what about when it’s in the context of kids dealing with skyrocketing lift costs, expensive snowboarder wear, and harder-to-score kid job income? If your my nephew, it’s the one of the few things worth bagging Call of Duty money for.

BTW wish me luck. Im going snowboarding for the first time this week end. We may have a new context to talk about….

Comment on Brain Science Gives Marketers New Clout by Valerie Esqueda /2011/12/12/brain-science-gives-marketers-new-clout/#comment-36 Fri, 16 Dec 2011 23:24:48 +0000 /?p=592#comment-36 I love how the discoveries that are coming out of the field of neuroscience are requiring us to reshape our understanding about how we make decisions and the fact that we might not be as cognizant of our decision-making skills as we think.

Jonah Lehrer has a nice blogpost about the frontal cortex role when making aesthetic judgements.
In one experiment subjects taste tested Cabernet Sauvignons inside an fMRI machine. In another subjects looked at Rembrandts – also in a fMRI. He concludes “We want to believe that pleasure is simple, that our delight in a fine painting or bottle of wine is due entirely to the thing itself. But that’s not the way reality works. Whenever we experience anything, that experience is shaped by factors and beliefs that are not visible on the canvas or present in the glass.”
